One highlight of the month was our trip to Dovedale, in the Peak District, which deserves a post to itself, really. We went with my parents on an icy sunny day, and our intended stroll along a fairly flat river path turned into an epic adventure! We hauled the pushchair across stepping stones, up steps, and over rocks and mud. Finally we abandoned it altogether for a rocky climb under a natural rock arch and into a cave. Going up wasn't half as precarious as coming down, but we all made it back to river level, where we celebrated with a sandwich. Looking down at the natural arch from the cave mouth Toby - was a pro at rock climbing and caving, and is already asking if we can go again. - has made a best friend at school. - always wants to be building, making or drawing. - scored highly on his curriculum topic of "Understanding the World", which is hardly surprising considering the questions he asks. Tonight, after exploring the con...
Getting through life one cake at a time.