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Showing posts from January, 2012

Gulf Coast Trip: The Driving Days

View Larger Map The day after Christmas Day we set off for the longest drive we have yet done in Texas: the ten-hour trip to the Gulf of Mexico.  Would you like to spend ten hours all at once in a car with a wriggly one-year-old?  No, nor did we.  Fortunately my (English) cousin was staying in the Hill Country with his (Texan) wife and their three gorgeous girls, which provided the perfect excuse to stop halfway. Fredericksburg Christmas tree Even if they hadn't been there, we still might have stopped in Fredericksburg.  It's a busy little town with a strong German influence and lots of Christmas lights.  We'd passed through before but enjoyed the chance to stay a bit longer.  The highlight of the decorations was the giant Christmas pyramid, crafted in Germany and shipped over at some vast expense. Learn all about it! Joe and Amie met us there, and we strolled down the street, sampling ice cream, sausages and beer as we went.  The...

Christmas Day in pictures

Christmas Eve: a Skype chat with my parents, a candlelit carol service and a glass of sherry and a piece of Christmas cake to round it all off. (The sherry purchased with some difficulty from the local liquor store: "Chevy? Like the car?" and finally located in a dusty corner on the bottom shelf.  Not a popular tipple here, then.) Toby helps Dad unwrap his Christmas presents. Look! A new book! Santa? Are you in there? Someone forgot to put ice cream on this scoop! Brrrmm, brrrrmmm!  Toby loves trucks! Our Advent calendar, which featured something to add to the tree each day, and is the only one I've seen with twenty- five doors - the large star on top was our Christmas Day treat. Lamb is a rarity here, so lamb shanks were our treat for Christmas dinner. Look at me in my new hoodie! Look at me in my new down bodywarmer! Gotta have a trip to the playground even if it is Christmas Day. Christmas tea was cheese and cracke...