Wow! The start of my third year doing Monthly Munches! Hope you're still enjoying hearing what we've been up to. Sooo... this month, I feel, has mostly been a sorting out kind of one. I've been doing some new year house cleaning, Graham and I have been figuring out what to do for some kind of gainful employment. Toby has been practising on his new bike and scooter, and Theo has been learning to talk and going to bed awfully late. Toby - had his first 'Forest School' day at school, and came home happily plastered in mud. - built a snowman with friends and dubbed it Mr Chillyman Coldhead. - "I want to draw something. What shall I draw?" is a constant refrain. - had a great time at our New Year's Day party, having a "chocolate party" with the other kids up in his bedroom. - is getting better at dealing with things that scare him. Theo - is learning numbers ("free, four, free, four") and colours (...
Getting through life one cake at a time.