I was going to post something more thoughtful this week. But... it's been a long day. I got a grand send-off to work this morning; all three boys waving from the front door. Which was very heartwarming - except that I leave at 6:30 am and really they should have all still been in bed! Then I got back from work, and we had to run some errands and feed everyone and stop Toby and Theo from arguing and put them to bed and you know. All that stuff. I'm waaalkiiiing! But at least dinner has been easy for the last three days. Our latest impulse buy was a deal on a three-meal box from HelloFresh . The idea is that they pack up the ingredients for three recipes, add in the cooking instructions, and deliver the whole lot to your door in a carefully insulated container. Full price, as you might expect, it costs only a little less than our usual week's shopping bill, but with the offer it was relatively affordable. About the price of a di...
Getting through life one cake at a time.