Well, you got a little break there, due to Toby putting the laptop out of commission and Graham having his hip replaced. The laptop is now better and the husband is getting better, so on with the saga! We thought it would be kind of nice to venture out on to the Pacific Ocean, rather than just look at it from the shore, so we investigated our options. The Channel Islands seemed like a pretty manageable trip, even with a one-year-old, so we booked a boat and hoped for fine weather. The Channel Islands National Park encompasses five islands and the ocean around them, just off the coast of California. Like many islands, they have some pretty incredible biodiversity, with many unique plants and animals. It would have been great to stop off and see it close up, but actually staying on the island entails taking everything you might want with you. With a toddler this always seems to involve everything bar the kitchen sink (actually, that could be handy to...
Getting through life one cake at a time.