Hi! Did you miss me? Sorry it's been a bit quiet over here. I have been working hard on colonizing a new corner of the web. It's not even finished yet, but I am coming to realise that websites, like many other things, never achieve a static state of perfection. So it is launched, nevertheless, and thank you to all those who have already paid it a visit. And for those who haven't, here it is: Cafes with Kids So why, when I already have one blog on my hands, would I want to saddle myself with another one? Well... mostly as a learning opportunity for myself. Hopefully also useful for other people, and possibly even vaguely financially lucrative (I wish... haven't done much on that part yet!) Just the initial setting up has got me grappling with colour choices and page design and (aaarggghh) html code and (more aarrggghh) social media promotion and all that wonderful stuff. I tell you, writing is the easy bit. Writing is what I have fun with over here,
Getting through life one cake at a time.