I felt like writing a blog but don't have much to blog about, so here's a few photos just to keep you updated on how big our little boy is getting. Here he is in his highchair. Holding on to his feet is the big new thing. He's also just discovered that rolling is a way to get around, so he was all over the living room floor yesterday. Playing pat-a-cake. He loves being sung to, so I've been dredging my memory for kids' songs, particularly ones with actions. Which reminds me, what is the line in "Our God is a great big God" which comes just before "...and beyond our wildest dreams"? I've been singing "He's dah dah dah dah-dah dah" for ages and kept meaning to look it up! Not that Toby cares, but it bugs me. In the paddling pool. He seems to enjoy water so we've been to the local pool a few times, and Keller Pointe water park this past weekend with some kids we were looking after. He's getting quite good a...
Getting through life one cake at a time.