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Showing posts from 2024

Train to Uttoxeter

Every morning, a little purple train comes underneath the railway bridge at Findern. The signal beyond the bridge turns green, with a line of white lights pointing to the right. The train shimmies across the main track and turns on to the branch line. Usually, I am watching from the bridge, imagining the train going over the canal, negotiating the level crossing, and continuing on its way west. This morning, I am on the train. Back when I was walking along the River Dove, I crossed the North Staffordshire Railway line almost as many times as I crossed the river. One day, I told myself, I will get that little purple train from Derby to Uttoxeter and see all this again. I had thought of the line as rather sleepy, but in fact the train is quite busy. I find a seat by the window and start to eagerly track the landmarks. The man opposite must wonder why I am taking blurry photos of damp level crossings, but he doesn't comment. The only picture which comes out well is a splash of rainbo...

Churnet Way: Cheddleton to Leek

It was a grey and misty day in a succession of grey and misty days. The sun seems to have gone into hibernation. There are still autumn leaves around to brighten things up, though, and I was glad to get out. Cheddleton is not well-endowed with car parks. I found a roadside spot near the primary school and walked back along the road, past a war memorial gate, to St Edward's Church. Inside there were candles to light - always a nice touch. door to St Edward's church I followed a well-used path along one side of the canal to Basford Bridge, where I finished last time, and then back along the towpath on the other side. Two miles' walking to end up almost where I started! A metal fabricating business proved that there is still some functioning industry in the area. Its yard was piled with galvanised troughs and what looked like giant coat hangers. Basford Bridge The Flint Mill is a reminder of past industry. There are two water wheels which used to power machinery to grind flin...