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Showing posts from September, 2008

Caddo Lake

This is a somewhat belated post about our Labor Day weekend away at Caddo Lake, on the Texas - Louisiana border. I've just got the photos up on Facebook which tells most of the story: It was fun to be camping again - I haven't done that for ages, but I've always enjoyed camping since we had a trailer tent when I was younger. In the States, of course, keeping cool is more of a problem than keeping warm, and the countryside is populated with lots of nasty bugs who thought of me as a tasty picnic. For some reason Graham tastes bad to them, which is totally unfair! We were right on the border where Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas meet, so we drove around a bit just to say that we'd visited each state. To be honest they looked a lot like Texas. We camped near a little place called Uncertain (which must give rise to endless puns) but the nearest interesting town is a place cal...

complete wedding photos

A nicely organised set of wedding photos is now online at: A lot more were taken, of course, but I think those are the best ones. I'm not sure how they come out quality-wise if you want to download them, so if you want copies to print or anything email me and I'll see what I can sort out.

employment in the USA

Well, I'm now back to making a useful contribution to society (and paying taxes) with my first job in the USA. My love of cakes is still being indulged, as I'm now icing dozens each day; I have a job as cake decorator for an up-market supermarket called Tom Thumb. The current cake decorator, Jennifer, has been working 10-12 hours a day trying to keep up with demand, so is very glad I've arrived! Hopefully between us we won't have to work such long hours. She's also a very lovely person to work with, and I think we'll get on well. It's always strange being back at the bottom of a pile, knowing nothing and no one, but I think this will hone my decorating skills, and it feels good knowing I'm going to really help out someone else. The holidays are coming, i.e. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I'll certainly be busy... In other news, yes, I will get some more wedding photos up soon, but it might have to wait until we have internet in th...