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Showing posts from January, 2011

Toby's first Christmas

He was hardly old enough to appreciate the wrapping paper, never mind the presents, but nevertheless 2010 was Toby's first Christmas, and he had the outfit to prove it. It was also our first Christmas in our own house, in Texas, so it was quite exciting to decide how we wanted to celebrate it. In the event the celebrations got spread over several days, which might not be normal but was certainly fun! The original plans had to be reworked when Mom's flight was cancelled due to snow at Heathrow, so instead of arriving a week before Christmas she actually arrived the day after. We were just glad she could come at all, so cheerfully moved the big Christmas meal to Monday. It's still in the 12 days of Christmas, right? Mom with children and grandchild Christmas Eve is the day all the churches have services - one local place advertised five identical services, which made me think that their choir must have all had sore throats on Christmas Day! Our church plant ...

Our house, in the middle of our street

Finally, the long-awaited house photos. Having family to visit provided an incentive to get the place both organised and tidy, and therefore in a decent state to have its photo taken. Yes, we are now a two-car family. Toby and I get around in the tinted-window gangsta-mobile. Thought we might as well take the opportunity to have a family shot. Toby enjoyed meeting his aunt and uncle very much. The front door is at right angles to the street. And we've got a nice L-shaped porch area at the front. Coming inside, we really liked the open layout with the archway through to the kitchen. The kitchen-dining area, with the back door just visible on the far left. Looking back towards the front door, with the study mid-right and the entrance to the corridor on the far right. Toby and Graham surfing the web. The built-in shelving was another plus point for the house. This room was previously dark green which made it very gloomy, so we made i...