I wonder if you feel like you've had to do a lot of growing lately? For once I'm not talking about vegetable gardens (although the strawberries are ripening fast), but personal growth in response to events around us. There have been so many things happening in the world that we have to understand and adapt to, and it often feels overwhelming. How do we comprehend it? What's the right thing to do? How much do we have to change, personally? What are we responsible for? Changing and growing is complicated. It's not like hopscotch, where you hop neatly from box to box and end up at the finish line. Sometimes there are obvious changes to make and actions to take, but not always. A good analogy might be a whirlpool, where each part swirls into the next, sometimes trapping you in an eddy, sometimes pushing you onwards. I couldn't do a good diagram of a whirlpool, so you'll have to imagine this one being full of eddies and swirls instead of nice neat arrows and
Getting through life one cake at a time.