I have surprisingly few photos for this month, probably because Graham was busy several weekends (two Saturdays volunteering and one weekend away). When he's not around I a) don't take the boys anywhere interesting and b) forget to take any photos even if we do go somewhere. We've been getting back into the school routine with Toby, and Theo has started one morning of preschool a week. It doesn't seem like five minutes since I was showing him off there as a new baby! Toby - is now mostly cycling to school, and insists on wearing a high-vis vest to do so (not a bad thing!) This is racing, with me as pit crew - wanted to transform his room into an arts and crafts den, like in the TV program Dengineers (kind of like Changing Rooms for kids). He got a new bed when Theo moved out of his cot, so we'd already moved some stuff around. Not quite as tidy as it started out! - can do some pretty good tricks on the trampoline. - made ...
Getting through life one cake at a time.