So you know that to help the planet, your health, and your wallet, it's best not to have meat for dinner every day. But you have a family to feed. And it just gets complicated trying to find vegetarian recipes that your kids will actually eat. Well, I know your kids will probably have a completely different set of preferences to mine. Occasionally I read one of those family recipe books where they will say, "This dish disappears in a flash in our house," and I read it and think, "My children wouldn't touch that!". They don't like most beans, soup, or tomato sauces, and Toby doesn't like eggs. They do like things with lots of toppings that they can add, baked beans, refried beans, and cheese. So I don't present this as the complete answer to your dinnertime woes. But here are some of the veggie dishes that work best for us. (Most of the links are to Monthly Munch posts; scroll down to find the recipe at the end) 1. Black bean burrito...
Getting through life one cake at a time.