A recent report by the UK Methodist Church, entitled God in Love Unites Us , has generated a lot of debate about same-sex marriage in the church. There are already dozens of articles putting forward the views from each side. But in such a divisive issue, I felt like it was important to remember what we do agree on. These are six things that I've heard from both sides of the debate. We may doubt that others believe them. We may disagree drastically on how to live them out. But if we can at least assume that everyone believes them, then they may just give us a tiny piece of common ground to build on. We want to be welcoming and loving At their best, churches can be places where everyone feels welcome - where lonely people find a family, the unloved find love, and the outsiders find a community to belong to. At their worst, churches are places where everyone who doesn't live up to our ideals is made to feel excluded, ashamed, and even hated by God. ...
Getting through life one cake at a time.