So it's the middle of May, and Derby Museum doesn't seem in any hurry to announce the winners of their writing competition, which were supposed to have been decided by the end of April. I wish I could present this as the winning entry, but hey, I'm proud of it anyway. This is the letter I wrote for the 1001 Words competition. Letter from White Watson to his nephew William Inspired by the White Watson tablet of Ecton Hill Bakewell January 9 th , 1799 My dear William I take up my pen to write, hoping this finds you in good health and safely established in London. Bookselling is a fine profession; I am sure you will soon excel in it. If you should happen across Priestley’s Passages of Scripture send it to me, I would be most grateful of it. Your father & sister & brother are all well & send their love. I enclose £1 in thankful recognition of & payment for your kind help with the fossils, and beg that you would al
Getting through life one cake at a time.