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Showing posts from February, 2015

Monthly Munch: February 2015

It's beginning to almost feel like spring is coming!  We have snowdrops and crocuses in the back garden, and hopeful-looking buds on the daffodils in the front.  There have still been plenty of cold rainy days, but we've celebrated Theo's first birthday and Pancake Day to keep us cheerful. Toby - enjoys creating things and draws some really imaginative pictures.  He wanted to make a car out of a box, so he told me which bits to cut out (not forgetting the lights and exhaust!) and he stuck them all on. Attaching the rear windscreen Barely fitting in the finished vehicle!  - is excited that they are "doing science" at preschool.  Apparently stretchy green noodles are involved. - likes it when I put my Pilates exercise video on.  The other day I caught him perfecting Downward Dog in the hallway. Hips in the air! -welcomed all our visitors enthusiastically and had them playing Snakes and Ladders within minutes of their arrival. Quotes: ...

Shrove Mardi Carnival Gras Tuesday

We had a proper mash-up of a pre-Lent celebration this year.  Toby got the idea that it was a party, and wanted to decorate, so I dug out some carnival beads that we got as freebies a few years ago.  He also made a picture. All that somehow put the idea into my head to go Cajun for dinner (New Orleans Mardi Gras and all that) so I tweaked my menu to include blackened fish (recipe below) and a very approximate vegetarian version of dirty rice.  The real thing, I discovered, uses chicken livers to provide the "dirty", which are not ingredients I tend to have lurking in the fridge. And then, of course, we had to have proper English pancakes for dessert.  With lemon juice and sugar, which is traditional, and with applesauce, Greek yoghurt and golden syrup, which is not.  But tastes fantastic. The one thing I did not do, I realised, was any shriving.  Confessing my sins and receiving absolution.  Starting Lent with a clean sheet. It's...

Happy First Birthday, Theo!

Yes, a year has rushed by, and our curled-up little bud of a baby has unfurled into a walking, talking   cruising, babbling, genuine one-year-old! The birthday itself was low-key, which I think is only fair when the chief player has no idea what's going on.  Graham's parents came to visit, and we are seeing mine soon, so the birthday boy gets to show off his new skills to his grandparents.  And eat cake.  Grandad brought a cake, which we ate for lunch, and I made a banana cake.  It had to be banana, really, for this one.  I'm not sure we yet have photographic evidence of Theo trying to stuff half a banana in his mouth all at once, but that will have to be remedied.  He is very good at it. And since it was his birthday, I feel entitled to sing Theo's praises for a few minutes. We love his infectious giggle and cheeky smile. We love the tuft of hair that sticks up between his double crown. We love the way he can entertain himself wit...

Pasta with sausage and greens

It's a rush blog this week, so you get a recipe.  Because that's quick and easy.  And so is cooking this. Pasta is a problem in our house.  Well, not so much the pasta, as what to put on it.  Graham doesn't like creamy sauces, and Toby isn't that keen on tomato ones, so that kind of leaves... pesto.  Or recipes like this where you just stir all the bits into the pasta, and it somehow has enough flavour and juiciness not to need a sauce. Pasta with sausage and greens 200g pasta 1 lb sausages 1 onion, sliced 50-100g spring greens / kale / whatever, sliced 1/4 tsp dried thyme 6-8 cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered, depending on size 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar Cook pasta and drain, reserving a little of the cooking water. In a large pan, fry the sausages.  When cooked, remove from the pan and slice on the diagonal. In fat from sausages, fry the onion until soft, about 5 minutes. Add the greens and thyme and cook 3-4 minutes more. Add the tom...