It's beginning to almost feel like spring is coming! We have snowdrops and crocuses in the back garden, and hopeful-looking buds on the daffodils in the front. There have still been plenty of cold rainy days, but we've celebrated Theo's first birthday and Pancake Day to keep us cheerful. Toby - enjoys creating things and draws some really imaginative pictures. He wanted to make a car out of a box, so he told me which bits to cut out (not forgetting the lights and exhaust!) and he stuck them all on. Attaching the rear windscreen Barely fitting in the finished vehicle! - is excited that they are "doing science" at preschool. Apparently stretchy green noodles are involved. - likes it when I put my Pilates exercise video on. The other day I caught him perfecting Downward Dog in the hallway. Hips in the air! -welcomed all our visitors enthusiastically and had them playing Snakes and Ladders within minutes of their arrival. Quotes: ...
Getting through life one cake at a time.