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Showing posts from October, 2009

A week in the UK

A week in the UK goes remarkably quickly, especially when you pack it full of family and friends. The main excuse for our trip this time was Mike and Jan's wedding, a grand gathering of friends from Bristol and beyond. The bride and groom made their departure in a VW camper van, which was just fantastic - although someone really should have tied some walking boots and a climbing helmet to the back! Maybe the ribbon nose was a little more tasteful. The happy couple. The bride's dress was beautiful and the bridesmaids were very sophisticated too, in sleek grey dresses with cream trim. It was good to see lots of friends and find out what they're up to - from having babies and finding jobs to moving to Africa and starting new churches! Here's me with Nath and Zan: and me with Jen and Naomi. Midlife Crisis turned out some grand music in a decidedly chilly tent, which was obviously a ploy to keep everyone dancing. Hence the well-bundled-up look....

Adventures in Arkansas

Saturday morning, 6:50 am. My phone bleeps. The assistant manager at work: Could you possibly come in today for a few hours? It's really busy. 7:10 am, after some deliberation: Yes, if I have to, but I'll be on overtime. Is that OK? 7:12 am: Ohhh... better check with the store manager. Small delay, during which Graham and I, being both well awake by this time, cook and eat a pancake breakfast. 7:55 am: Never mind about today. And you're not working tomorrow either. 7:57 am: What time do I come in on Monday? 8:04 am: You're off on Monday too. 8:05 am: Graham rushes to computer to research places to go for a weekend trip. By 11:30 am we're hitting the I-30 on our way to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Lake Ouachita (that's WASH-it-ah, not wah-CHEET-ah) at sunset Thus began one of the most impromptu weekends away I've ever done, going from expecting to work most of the weekend to being on holiday in a few short hours. By evening we had arrived at ...