There are five things you can do with your money. spend it (bills, food, holidays, electronics...) save it (in a bank account or under the mattress!) pay taxes (or else the government comes after you) invest it (in something you hope will make more money) give it away (to charities, good causes, family or friends) Giving away When Christians talk about money, they often focus on the red segment, the giving away one. Are you giving money away? How much do you give to the church? Should you be giving more? What does your level of generosity say about your heart? These are good questions. Robert Schnase focuses on these kinds of ideas in his chapter on extravagant generosity. He particularly talks about the practice of tithing - giving ten percent of your income to the church - and how giving in this way can deepen your faith. But even if you are giving away ten percent, what about the ninety percent? The full hundred percent It's what we d...
Getting through life one cake at a time.