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Showing posts from July, 2022

The Universal Christ: Spiritual Formation Book 4

" Everything visible, without exception, is the outpouring of God. What else could it really be? "Christ" is a word for the Primordial Template ( "Logos" ) through whom "all things came into being, and not one thing  had its being except through him" (John 1:3)" In recent years many Christians have shifted away from a faith which demands that you believe certain definite things, exclude certain definite people, and follow certain definite rules. They have moved - they hope - to a faith which is more comfortable with mystery, fuzzy edges, and a wider variety of practice and personal experience. In these circles, Richard Rohr is a name that is often held in high regard. I would regard my own faith as having moved in this kind of direction, so when I selected The Universal Christ  by Richard Rohr as one of my spiritual formation books, I expected to be inspired and enlightened. I wasn't. I found his writing unclear, and while I sort of agreed w...

The Sacred Sandwich

Yesterday a news story about a " blasphemous sandwich " popped up on my Facebook feed. The cafe in question had a caramelised onion, chutney, cheddar and mozzarella sandwich named the Cheesus Christ, which someone took exception to. They vandalised the cafe sign, demanded that the sandwich be removed from the menu, and - I rather liked this touch - wanted the cafe to donate £300 to the local church. The cafe declined all requests. Well, I'm afraid that tickled my brain. So may I introduce my latest business venture, The Sacred Sandwich Cafe. Donations to any church in your vicinity are welcome, whether you are offended or not. Menu Breakfast The Holy Toast - French toast topped with vanilla yoghurt, fresh strawberries, and maple syrup. A spiritual experience. Eggs-alted on High - two poached eggs on super-seeded bread. Guaranteed to raise you from slumber. Bacon-viction of Sin - unforgivably large bread roll stuffed with thick-cut bacon. Sandwiches The Great I Ham - B...