Ahoy there, me hearties! All hands on deck, we have some partying to do! Arrrr!
Now, hats on, and don't forget - no self-respecting pirate admits to having two working eyes. Eyepatches it is, mateys! (What scurvy dog cut the elastic too short? They should be thrown into Davy Jones' locker.)
Hats ready for assembly. From Yellow Moon but the elastic really was too short. |
All of ye who can wield a pen, get drawing a treasure map. We wouldn't want to mislay our loot, would we now?
Toby wrote his name backwards and Blogger uploaded this sideways, just to confuse you. |
Shiver me timbers! Where did those gems and spyglasses go? Get hunting, me hearties, and the last one back with the swag is a scurvy dog.
Each pirate had to find these in the treasure hunt. |
Now, this is a strange parcel, methinks. Let's pass it round, and when the shanty stops, why, 'tis your turn to unwrap a layer.
One of his real presents, actually, but I love the expression. |
Climb the rigging, lads and lassies, and pin your flags to the mast!
Pin the tail on the donkey just wasn't piratical enough. |
Avast there! It be time for the GRUB.
By Davy Jones himself, this is a fine chest of treasure. Gold doubloons for all, me beauties, and fair winds to ye!
Chocolate cake treasure chest |
Gold coin biscuits for sharing at preschool |