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Conversations on the way to the Cross 1: The Donkey

Judas Iscariot argues with the other disciples

"Well, I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life!"

"What's up, Judas?  You didn't enjoy all the cheering?"

"A donkey, that's what's up!  A flipping baby donkey!  What kind of animal is that for the saviour of Jerusalem to ride in on?  I told him I knew a guy with a good horse, but oh no, he sends me and Matthew off like a couple of farmhands to get a donkey.  It makes fools of all of us, that's what it does.  No one's going to take him seriously after this."

"Oh, give over.  The crowds loved it!  You heard them - hosanna to the Son of David, and all the rest of it.  And we were right in the middle of it!  I never thought a poor fisherman from Galilee would be able to say that!"

"Well, make the most of it, Andrew.  They might be cheering today, but crowds are fickle things, you'll see.  He should have seized the moment!  Ridden in, stormed the palace, started the revolution.  I told him if he waited, we'd get nowhere.  He wouldn't listen, would he?  Just gave me that funny kind look he has, as if I'm a little child.  And sent me off to get that ridiculous donkey."

"Ah, poor little Judas.  Is your pride hurt by having to lead a donkey about?  Were you born to better things?"

"Shut up, Peter!  This is nothing to do with pride.  Just if Jesus wants to be king, he ought to start acting like one.  That's what I think."

"Maybe he is.  It reminded me of that bit from Zechariah, you know?  How does it go?  'Rejoice, daughter of Zion!  Here comes your king, triumphant and victorious; humble, and riding on a donkey."  Something like that, anyway.  Surely fulfilling ancient prophecy is pretty good for a messiah?"

"Oh, Bartholomew the scholar.  Ancient prophecy's all very well, but it's not much use in the here and now, is it?  What we want is the new world Jesus was talking about, with us all on thrones and the Romans kicked out.  Isn't that what we're following him for?  Isn't it, James?  John?  You two were quick enough to try and bag yourselves the best seats for when Jesus is in charge."

"Hey, that was our mum, not us.  Anyway, you heard what Jesus said about that.  'The last will be first and the first will be last,' - which now I think about it, fits in pretty well with his king-riding-on-a-donkey act.  If you're looking for power and glory, Judas, I think you're following the wrong guy."

"Yes, and that's just what's so frustrating.  He could do anything, Jesus could. Anything!  He's got that spark, that... that.. charisma.  You've seen him!  He just has to crook a finger and people will do what he wants.  If anyone could save this wretched country he could - and I thought he was going to do it!  And then he sat on a donkey and threw it all away.  Just threw it all away."

Matthew 21: 1-11 

Other Conversations from the Cross

2: The Commotion
3: The Authority
4: The Anointing
5: The Betrayal
6: The Burial
7: The Precaution 
8: The Resurrection


Susan Ewing said…
I love this, Martha! Ties so much together. Thanks or sharing it. And keep writing.��

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