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Theo Alexander

The due date was fast approaching, and, having had Toby five weeks early, this pregnancy was feeling like it had dragged on far too long.  On Sunday morning, two days before D-Day, we went to church, wearily confirming to eager enquiries that yes, we were still here, no baby in tow yet.  And then, at 3:30 am on the morning of Monday 10th February, my waters broke and things began to get moving.  Fast.

Yes, I know I had to apologise to you ladies who have gone through long-drawn-out labours last time, and I'm afraid I have to do it again.  The change in the midwife's attitude when we got to the hospital was almost comical; she breezed in and put the monitors on and said, "I'll just leave those for a few minutes, then".  Back she came for a proper examination, had a quick feel, and: "OK, we'll get you to the delivery room RIGHT NOW," followed by a mad dash down the corridor in a wheelchair!  Our new little boy was born at 5:16 am.

You're never too young to pull a silly face!
 They tend to assume you know what you're doing with a second baby, so after a very welcome breakfast of toast and jam, we were mostly left to recover in our own time.  Little boy discovered how to have some breakfast of his own and then decided he was worn out by all that hard work.  Mum and Dad felt pretty much the same way, but couldn't quite stop looking at him.

After all the usual new baby checks and paperwork, we were able to pack up and take the baby home to introduce him to his big brother!  Toby had been looked after by our wonderful neighbours, and by all accounts had a great time.  He was pretty excited by the new arrival, if a little cautious in case it suddenly started making loud and unpleasant noises.

Dealing with sleepless nights and dirty nappies was almost starting to pale into insignificance compared with choosing a name for the baby.  Days went by and Toby was starting to get into the game with suggestions like "Lightbulb" or "Porters Lane".  Just as we were starting to despair, Graham came running up the stairs saying, "I think I've got it!"  We settled on Theo Alexander White.  Welcome to the family, Theo!

First hairwash.

Now, what was my name again?

Bedtime story for two sleepy boys.

Daisy dog is another new addition to the family.

My handsome boys!


Sally Eyre said…
Welcome Theo, and congratulations to you all. Enjoy being a four person family. Love from us all.

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