The 40 days of Lent can be awfully long if you're trying to do something (or not do something) every day. Here are a couple of things I found this year which I thought I might actually be able to keep up with. One has a very small action each day, and the other is something to read and think about - but only on Sundays, until you get to Holy Week.
Get Outside in Lent
Christian environmental charity A Rocha has provided six weeks of ideas to get you and your family outside in Lent. The PDF is here: There are six activities each week (and yes, the first one really is "Hug a tree") and a suggestion for a celebration and prayer on Sundays.
The logical way to do six weeks seems to be to start next Monday, but then the final Sunday is Easter Sunday. So I guess you could also start today (or tomorrow) and finish on the Thursday before Easter. There are no dates, making it pretty flexible.
Ashes to Rainbows: A Queer Lenten Devotional
Unbound, a Christian social justice journal, offers two series of devotions for Lent. I'm reading the 2020 one, Ashes to Rainbows, written by LGBTQIA+ people of faith and allies. The other is Disabling Lent: An Anti-Ableist Lenten Devotional.
Both include reflections for Ash Wednesday, each Sunday of Lent, and every day of Holy Week - so not a whole lot of reading until you get to the end. I think these are likely to challenge some of my assumptions about faith, as I hear from different perspectives.
Are you doing, reading, or listening to anything new this Lent? Let me know!