Those neat little sprouts in my previous garden post are now great floppy plants, overflowing their boxes like leafy fountains. Theo has been particularly keen on picking things, sometimes before they're ready! So, what harvest have we had?
I was really pleased with the peas. Every couple of days we could go out and grab a boxful of fat green pods - and it was fun popping them and seeing how many peas were inside. The boys and their friends from next door happily ate them straight from the pod, and we had them raw in salads, cooked as a side, and even made into pea fritters. Their season finished early so I've put some more carrots, onions and rocket in their place.
We only really had enough to pick a few and eat them one by one. However, we went to Scaddows Farm and picked LOADS, so we haven't felt short of strawberries.
The spring onions have done well, and got lovely and fat. Theo's been desperate to pull up the carrots, so we've thinned a few, but they are barely pencil-thick yet.
They're growing tall, but none of the fruit has ripened yet. The boys are keeping me updated on how big they're getting (but they are a cherry variety, so won't get huge).
These were the things I thought were courgettes. Well, they're clearly some kind of squash, but what kind I do not know. One plant has green ones on, another has yellow - rounded, with a slight point at the bottom. I have NO CLUE how they got into my garden. But if they're edible, we will eat them. Sometimes you get to reap what you don't sow!
I was really pleased with the peas. Every couple of days we could go out and grab a boxful of fat green pods - and it was fun popping them and seeing how many peas were inside. The boys and their friends from next door happily ate them straight from the pod, and we had them raw in salads, cooked as a side, and even made into pea fritters. Their season finished early so I've put some more carrots, onions and rocket in their place.
We only really had enough to pick a few and eat them one by one. However, we went to Scaddows Farm and picked LOADS, so we haven't felt short of strawberries.
Carrots and spring onions
The spring onions have done well, and got lovely and fat. Theo's been desperate to pull up the carrots, so we've thinned a few, but they are barely pencil-thick yet.
They're growing tall, but none of the fruit has ripened yet. The boys are keeping me updated on how big they're getting (but they are a cherry variety, so won't get huge).
And the what???
These were the things I thought were courgettes. Well, they're clearly some kind of squash, but what kind I do not know. One plant has green ones on, another has yellow - rounded, with a slight point at the bottom. I have NO CLUE how they got into my garden. But if they're edible, we will eat them. Sometimes you get to reap what you don't sow!