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Palm Sundae

I stumbled across the idea of palm sundaes for Palm Sunday on another blog I read, and decided it was something we had to try.

Of course, whenever I think of these things, I somehow picture us all sitting happily at the table enjoying our dessert after a stress-free dinner, and then calmly reading the story of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem and possibly even discussing it a little.

Well.  Maybe in ten years.

What actually happened was Toby insisting that he didn't like any of his dinner and refusing to eat it for about an hour.  Which meant that he didn't get any dessert.  Meanwhile Theo, who was supposedly fast asleep upstairs, started wailing the second I put the plates on the table (which he does every. single. dinnertime.  I wasn't kidding about that extra-sensory device).  After much baby feeding, phone answering, Toby disciplining, toilet taking and even garage tidying, Graham and I finally got our dinner eaten and sat down to our Palm Sunday reading and dessert.

At least we tried.

In case you'd like to try too (and your dinnertimes may not be quite the crazy affair that ours currently are), here's the recipe.

Start by making the leaves.  I made pastry (25g / 1 oz butter and 50g / 2 oz flour will be plenty) but shortbread or cookie dough would be good too.  Roll out, cut leaf shapes and bake 10 minutes or so.

Take two plates.  Slice a banana and arrange half on each plate to form a palm tree trunk.  Put a scoop of ice cream at the top and add the leaves and a couple of dates.


Sally Eyre said…
I love reading your blog, and hopefully in the future I will get to see you again in person and meet your awesome kids and husband. But, until then thanks for writing this. Sal.
Sue Ewing said…
I can imagine the scenario! Oh my!! It sounds so...normal for a family with 2 preschoolers. Try to laugh a lot. They do grow. Love the Palm tree. ;)
Martha said…
Thanks Sal! I still hope to make it to NZ one day, but I was saying that about 7 years ago, wasn't I...? I'm glad we can still keep in touch over such long distances.

Sue, I appreciate the encouragement from someone who's made it out the other side! Hope life in GA is going well.

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