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Into my thirties

I've been thirty for nearly a month now, so I thought it was about time to admit it to the world! Or that small portion of it which reads this blog, at least. Also to brag about my husband, who organised a surprise birthday party for the occasion. At least, it was a surprise until three days beforehand when he said, "I might need your help making your birthday cake."

I said, "OK".

He said, "This is probably a good time to mention that we need to be in on Sunday afternoon."

"Oh yes?"

"And the cake needs to feed at least 30 people."


I went off to dig out my wedding cake tins from their box in the garage.

I decided on a lemon cake and we got busy zesting and juicing nine lemons. We both mixed the cake, I iced it and Graham wrote on top. I think I might have a rival in cake decorating if he can do such a good job on his first attempt!

On Sunday morning, believe it or not, it started snowing and in an hour or so the garden looked like this.
We wondered if we should call the whole thing off, but the idea of eating 6 plates of sandwiches and an enormous cake all by ourselves deterred us - and in fact the roads weren't too bad, and most people were able to come. In fact exactly 30 people were here - very neat! It was lovely to see everybody and the time went way too quickly. Toby got passed around like a box of chocolates, and I accumulated a small mountain of actual chocolate and many other very generous gifts. Thank you everyone!


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