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our new apartment

Moving was a slightly surreal experience given that our new place looks almost exactly the same as the old one, except for being a different layout. That's what you get for living in a throw-'em-up-and-pack-'em-in apartment complex I guess - albeit a very nice one.

So, entering apartment 433:

To your right is the master bedroom:

with en-suite bathroom:

and looking back, from your left, that's a walk-in closet, door to the hallway and door to the bathroom:

Following the layout so far? OK, go back to the hallway and put your back to the front door again, and this time walk straight forwards into the sitting room:

As you can see, ahead of you is the door to the balcony:

for which I have grand plans for a herb garden and other plants.

Leading off the living room is the dining area:

and if you walk through that and round to your right you reach the kitchen:

Go back through the living room again:

and if you turn right (i.e. left as you came in the front door) you are absolutely surrounded by doors, leading to the utility room, second bathroom, hall cupboard, and through into the second bedroom, which then, believe it or not, has another cupboard and a walk-in wardrobe of its own. And no, I didn't bother taking photos of all those! But this is the second bedroom, aka office, with its window out onto the balcony:

And finally, a view from the outside - we're the top floor:

From left to right you can see the master bedroom window just above the tree, the little kitchen window, the dining area with its nice double layer of windows, and the balcony.

If you now have an accurate picture of our apartment I congratulate you on your exemplary spatial awareness! Feel free to come and compare your picture with reality.


Looks very nice! I have to admit I'm not the most spatially-gifted person. The herb garden is a great idea - it looks like it'll get good sunlight. Have fun settling into your new home!
Anonymous said…
I have a clear idea of the layout! Good explanation.

Much love Dad
Anonymous said…
lovely place, i like the dining room - loads of windows

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